As Above, So Below

Sister Sage's Astrological Journey

As above, so below
As within, so without
As the universe, so the soul

Issue 66
Sister Sage Newsletter

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April and May, 2023 Newsletter, !!!firstname!!!,

Forecasting 2023
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Gratitude Mentions


Replay Interview

A super gratitude mention to Kealah Parkinson with “Tune In” radio for your Mind, Body and Soul at as we had our annual Sister Sage interview. Another New Year predictions and forecasting for 2023.

We covered many different cosmic changes, including past predictions I have made that came true.

What is important to know, as I prepare a custom and fully typed predictions, with dates and times, Kealah receives a copy as she follows my predictions throughout the year. I also mentioned some of these on her radio show.
You too can purchase a copy of these custom predictions and forecasting for 2023 for $23.00 by going to

What was shared that is happening right now and it is rare when it does, is having all planets moving forward. You may begin to feel a fast bolt of energy or wanting to do things. Why? Because when all the planets move direct, it is felt and it is time to get your plans in motion. It is like going from quiet and reserved to expressive and active.

April/Aries Influences

Windfall Art
Spring has arrived!

As we enter the month of April, what is so important to know is that a new cycle has commenced.

April/Aries is considered the baby of the Zodiac. It is requiring a fresh look and view of things. This means, if you haven’t already did a nice house spring cleaning, open the doors and cabinets to air out the old and allow new fresh air in, it is the best time to do it.

We have a Full Moon in Libra on April 6th at 12:34 AM EST. That would be April 5th at 11:34 PM Central.
April wants you to move ahead, where as the Libra wants you to make sure you are balancing all areas of your life.

Of course Good Friday will be on April 7th as the Moon begins to enter Scorpio. A beautiful time of this understanding of rebirth and transmute. April is to Spring Anew!

What is it that you want to renew, birth or begin? As you move through April 7th to the 9th which is Easter, this is a powerful time to answer those questions.

We have a New Moon and Solar Eclipse on April 20th, 2023. The moon is on the cusp almost between Aries and Taurus.

Question: What has felt like it has come to a completion?

Cosmic Tip: Now, it is good to ask the Divine Creator, Cosmos and Almighty to reveal to you what is the next best step on your path and journey.

Mercury Retrograde

This will commence on Friday, April 21st, 2023 and will complete on Sunday, May 14th, 2023.

Time to review, release and regroup. Starting a new project during Mercury retrograde is not the best time, but about 2 weeks post.

Journal your dreams! It is a time where your subconscious is more open and your daily thinking mind is cloudy or fuzzy.

Jupiter in Taurus

The lucky planet is entering the sign of Taurus on May 16th, 2023. (May/Taurus).

Taurus is about the finer things in life. It is ruled by the planet of Venus. She is of love, beauty and monies.

A great time to find and bring something into the home that allows you to see or feel the beauty, such as flowers or soft music.

April/May Pluto in Aquarius

Hello Age of Aquarius!

Pluto will only have a brief stay in Aquarius, until it goes stationary and then retrograde. It will re-enter Capricorn from approximately June 11th 2023 up to January of 2024. Then it will stay their until 2044.

Its retrograde back into Capricorn will give a final clean up and sweep to outdated government, regimes, old structured ways of thinking or being.

A Revolution is what this Pluto in Capricorn has been offering our world. Not just the United States.
We are now just beginning to get a taste and insight of what influences Pluto in Aquarius will be showing us.

Also, this will be the Pluto in Aquarius generation. Pluto is about how one goes about regenerating, fulfilling a call of duty so to speak. Most of us understand what it is like when we relate to our own generation or talk about a different generation than yours.

Aquarius is about bringing the human race forward. Humanitarian efforts, advanced technology and how to harmonize independence and interdependence. As they say, having your individuality, yet learning how to work with groups and others is a delicate balancing act. It tends to be that for those born in February as an example. They are the wisdom bearers, thinkers and mentally gifted.

So take notice now of what is happening around and within you. Aquarius is definitely an awakener.

Cosmic & Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Astro Art
  • Release that which no longer serves you at this time
  • Forgive self and others to create space for new energy
  • Clean out the cupboards, closets and cabinet spaces
  • Open windows, cabinets, closet doors during warm weather to air out
  • Remove old clothing, unused items, give to a charity
  • Light “Sage” candles
  • Walk through each room in your home to give thanks and blessings
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Until next time, Safe Astrological Journeys

~ Sister Sage
© 2023 - Rev. Dr. Rhonda Schienle

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