As Above, So Below

Sister Sage's Astrological Journey

As above, so below
As within, so without
As the universe, so the soul

Issue 81
Sister Sage Newsletter

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July/Cancer Influences

The sign of Cancer is governed by the Moon. It also rules the United States, July 4th 1776.

The Crab is the symbol of Cancer and truly displays how those born in the month of July navigate the world. They use their shell wisely. When is it safe to come out and when not to. Those born in July tend to feel things a lot more than those born in other months.

The moon reflects emotions, the waters in our bodies and the tides within our oceans. So you may see those born in July, liking to be around bodies of water to help them sift through their emotions and feelings. It can be helpful to them and at times may be cathartic. Think of it in terms of self soothing or regulating.
This then helps the rest of us to learn where the sign of Cancer is in our birth charts. Perhaps it is in the home or career area. Once you know this piece of information, it helps explain part of why you do the things you do or are the way you are.

We all need this energy in some capacity or form. Emotions and feelings are a part of who we are.

Emotions are important and also expressed in healthy ways.

Note: Between July 15th and July 21st we have some influences that may give rise to harsh words with Mars (warrior, aggressive) in the sign of Gemini (communication, expressions) and intensity on July 21st with Full Moon in Capricorn (Government, Regimes, County, City officials).

Saturn Retrograde

From June 29th, 2024 to November 15th, 2024, Saturn will be in retrograde. It is a time to look at your tasks that have been before you. Also look at what is of priority and during this retrograde it is time to decide what really becomes first of importance, then second and so forth. Instead of looking outward, it is time to look within and determine priorities and set those tasks accordingly.

Sometimes it is the outer world that has driven those priorities and tasks. Now it is time to look within and organize accordingly.

Neptune and Pluto Retrograde

These planets have already gone into retrograde. What is important to know here is that while organizing your priorities with Saturn in Retrograde, and going within; this is where Neptune is asking you to look within regarding your spiritual nature.

Pluto is saying look within to decide what needs to be let go of or transmuted. Pluto is that of the caterpillar to butterfly.

Helpful Tip: During this time, write out your feelings and questions as to what is important to you? What do you feel no longer serves you or needs to be let go, once and for all? Spiritually, know what feels right for you. If you receive answers, write them.

Commence the Celebrations

July 4th
New Moon in Cancer on July 5th, 2024 at 6:57 PM EST

Time to make agreements, wishes and sign contracts.

Cancer rules the family, home, foods and even your feelings. A great time to be with loved ones, celebrate the 4th and freedom. Have a picnic and time with friends and family.

Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st , 2024 at 6:17 AM EST

A time to release and complete your agreements.
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Until next time, Safe Astrological Journeys

~ Sister Sage
© 2024 - Rev. Dr. Rhonda Schienle

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