As Above, So Below

Sister Sage's Astrological Journey

As above, so below
As within, so without
As the universe, so the soul

Issue 59
Spring, 2022

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Sister Sage Astrological Journey Continues Cover

Exciting News Everyone!

New AstroPsychology specials for 2022 are available now.

2022 Forecast Reading Special: $75.00

  • 1 hour reading via Zoom or phone call
  • Discussion on the major astrological changes
  • How it influences your birth chart
  • Copy of Birth chart and Current Influences
  • 10-page typed forecast for your birth month
  • Ask any questions you may have
Once you submit payment, Sister Sage will email you to schedule a date and time for reading. I will need your name, date of birth, city, state, and country of birth. Exact time of birth is great, if you have it. If you have not received email with 24 hours please email Sister Sage at

Schedule and Pay Here:

Is there a cosmic or divine order that has rhyme and reason under the heavens? As our personal journey unfolds are there times and seasons where we have recognized history repeating itself? Let’s explore these theories as it relates to astrological cycles from years past to current day on an individual, collective and global level.
“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”

~ Carl Jung
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”

~ Hermes Trismegistus

Gratitude Mentions

Thank you all for your amazing support to my passion to Divine Astrology. What a privilege to assist you in reading your stars for 2021 and beyond.
Auriel Grace
Mindful Radio
Auriel Grace - Founder of A Gang of Girls radio, Author and Practical Psychic. In September 2021, “The Spiritual Show” will be the new name.

Auriel Grace link
A Gang of Girls link
Kealah Parkinson - Communications Coach, Radio Hostess, Author and Speaker.

Mindful Radio link

Let's Get Cosmic

This is a new Quarterly newsletter. It will cover the months of March, April and May of 2022.

Question: Are we in a revolution now?

If so, what does that have anything to do with the evolution of our Consciousness as the perfectly stated photo above illustrates?

Let’s explore now the upcoming months and a special excerpt from my first book that ties into the question I just posed.

March 2022

Happy Mardi Gras on March 1st, 2022!

We start out with an awesome New Moon in the sign of Pisces on Ash Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022. Plant your wishes now and nurture them right up to March 18th, 2022 with the Full Moon in the sign of Virgo at 3:18 AM EST.

Beginning around March 5th/6th there is an interesting combo of influences. When you combine Mars and Venus, that will have moved into the sign of Aquarius for approximately 4-5 weeks, and a Moon in Aries those exact same days, offers intense explosive style energy.

It can be good to stay grounded during the month of March and utilize the energy as it will be between a new and full moon to be active or do some spring cleaning. Buy a nice Bonsai Tree or 4 leaf clover plant for that special touch of luck for St. Patricks Day!

March 20th is the Spring Equinox, so literal and spiritual spring cleaning is a fantastic idea for this month. Sage, clean, dust, organize, open the windows and welcome in the Spring equinox as the Sun enters the sign of Aries.

April 2022

April Cosmos
We start the month off with an April Fools and a New Moon. That is Friday, April 1st, 2022 in the sign of Aries. Full Moon is April 16th, 2022 in the sign of Libra.

That intense energy that was there in March, may begin to wane after April 14th. Venus will leave Aquarius as will Mars on April 14th. Both planets are now heading to the sign of Pisces.

After a good Spring cleaning, it's also a great time to Feng Shui your home, office space or work space. Anything to do with balancing, harmonizing or reconciling things (yes, even your taxes).

The image helps identify our 2 New Moons in the same month. Also, as one of them is providing a Solar Eclipse right on April 30th, 2022. Things come to light, revealed to the surface of our minds and what needs to be shown to the world, will be. All things come to light. Take note of what is coming to the surface for you.

May 2022

May Flowers
As we ended April with a New Moon and Solar Eclipse on April 30th, we are enjoying the good energies up to Mother's day on May 8th, 2022.

Mercury Retrograde, your favorite time to go within will commence May 10th, 2022.

But hold on, a special situation for a brief time, the lucky planet of Jupiter will be entering the sign of Aries. Anything that Jupiter touches, expands, providing growth and opportunities. It also means it magnifies the sign it is in. Some of the Keywords for Aries: Germany, the mind, the brain, guns, fire, action oriented, entrepreneur and leadership to name a few.

Be mindful of the 14th, 15th and 16th towards full moon, with a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 16th. These 3 days we may hear more on the news about police officers or detectives. Utilize or harness these energies by enjoying reading a book or taking a class in Metaphysics, Astrology or going to a mind, body, spirit style expo.

We close the month with a New Moon in Gemini, May 30th on Memorial day.

Predictions from 2007

I made predictions back in 2007 regarding Pluto in Capricorn. It was then published in my first book “Sister Sage’s Astrological Journeys”, Chapter 13, specifically on March 20th, 2017.

I will be sharing a large portion of that chapter in this newsletter.

First, let’s return to the question I posed earlier.

Question: Are we in a Revolution?

Some of you attended my live event on Facebook as many were talking about a “Pluto” return and many had asked me if this were a true occurrence.

Answer: Yes, we are in a Pluto Return.

With that said, let me explain how that indicates whether or not if we are in a Revolution.
Pluto = Death and Rebirth
Capricorn = Government, regimes, structures

On February 20th, 2022 we had an exact delta when Pluto was in Capricorn at 27 degrees and 33 minutes as it was on July 4th, 1776. Same degree and minutes, but 246 years apart.

Having said that, it does not mean it is just one day. We do not have a revolution, shift in a mind set, raise our consciousness or make small or large changes like this in one day.

Dates of Previous Pluto in Capricorn: 1762 - 1778.

Current Dates Pluto in Capricorn: 2008 - 2024

248 Years to go through all 12 Zodiac signs.

Below is my chapter 13 with a small correction that I will point out due to Pluto in Retrograde.
Chapter 13

Forecast: Pluto in Capricorn

Written: July 21, 2007
Pluto in Capricorn: Jan. 26, 2008 - Apr. 15, 2023. The last time that Pluto was in Capricorn was from 1762-1778.

Note: What is written below were my forecasting and predictions for the current Pluto in Capricorn from January 26th, 2008 to April 15th, 2023, written on July 21st, 2007. Does history repeat itself? (Correction on the end year, it is 2024 due to a Pluto Retrograde)

Portions of chapter 13 provided below

Pluto in Capricorn Generation

This is the generation that is going to change government laws when they come into power. Coming into power in this sense is after one has finished their education and started their lives and careers.

The areas of change in government are as follows: local, city, state and then the broader forms of government. They will hold the government accountable for its words and actions. Their mantra will be something similar to "We The People".

In movies we have seen where people storm the White House and bang on their front doors screaming for justice and fairness. Others find themselves at their local city offices demanding to be heard for other inequities. This generation will have zero tolerance to abuse of power or corruption of any kind. Anyone who has fallen through the cracks and has gone unattended to their needs, this generation will speak for them.

If this generation was in power today, hurricane Katrina survivors would have this group to give them a voice. They would use their "generation collective group" to make a difference. The key point here would be that their voice would be loud and change would be much swifter than what is happening now. This generation would have policies in place where the needs of the people would not arrive on the slow boat, but rather with a right here and right now manner.

As to what will transpire within these dates for those of us who are in adulthood, will be a restructuring, change and corrections in our local and federal levels of government. It will happen due to intolerance, frustration and a basic sense of an imbalance to justice and power. In short what will happen during this reign of Pluto in Capricorn is that the current generations in power will simply begin the process. Then, when those born after January 2008 and turn approximately 25 years old, there will be change on top of what the current generations have begun. When they get into power, they will no doubt complete the task with intensity like we have not seen to date.

Here are some examples of what we are seeing now. We have Po- lice on tape beating people and abusing their power. This is happening in America and in other countries. We also see how many of our government officials abuse their power and are brought to our attention faster and more often. The day of internet, bloggers and YouTube is perhaps just one of the reasons why we are hearing about these issues in almost real-time.

We have immigration marchers in the streets of our major cities rallying to their cause to citizenship. There are more discrepancies with members of all political parties to our tax system. There has been a slow roar from people across America and abroad for how those in government positions get away with illegal activities and not punished for it.

When Pluto in Capricorn generation gains full power, there will be no hiding behind the alcohol rehabilitation centers after they have perpetrated corruption, rape, or any other serious crimes. So it is "We the people" that are bringing down the hand of justice and holding people accountable for their words and actions. This only intensifies even more when the Pluto in Capricorn generation gets into power.

Geographical Locations affected: Pluto rules Russia. We will see changes in Russia and the United States. However, England will be the most affected by this Pluto in Capricorn.

As noted above, Pluto rules death and rebirth, like a caterpillar to a butterfly and Capricorn was noted as ruling England. With this combination it is very clear that England will go through a major change.

Capricorn rules England. England will go through major changes and restructuring. This includes everything from social, economic, health-care, educational judicial, administrative, theological and philosophical platforms. This could be change in taxes, laws, government policies or even government themselves as a whole. This is based on what has worked and what has not.

Remaining stagnate or thwarted in any society will create unease or even unrest. There is an innate concept in each of us that growth is very important regardless of who you are what country you live in. Spiritualists call this "soul growth". There is also something called a "collective growth", which means every person living on this planet.

The question that tends to arise is how, why and when such changes take place? The truth is, all things have not unfolded or been revealed yet. Circumstances may not have happened as of yet to make such changes. However, as time goes forward, you will begin to see this unfolding of circumstances and then these phases of change will take place. Some changes will be small and others very dramatic.

In terms of the U.S. and after September 11th, 2001; we had to make changes in government policies because of that circumstance and outcome. An entirely new agency called "Homeland Security" was implemented after this horrific tragedy.

So, it is possible since England also had violent attacks that they might need to restructure government to meet that circumstance. This is just examples of possibilities. It also can bring about new government laws because the people simply want things better for themselves.

We, as a collective society have the potential for positive outcomes for changes that benefit everyone. How does that work you may ask? Well it is simple, it is how you think and feel toward a subject matter.

If you feel that whatever changes must take place, to be done in a way that is beneficial to all mankind, that is creating a healthy change and outcome. If it is filled with hatred, threats and so forth, then the outcome will be offered in a hateful and threatening way. This is similar to the laws of attraction. Like begets like. We do have choice remember in how we act, react or respond.

It is the "We the people" mentality versus it is all for me and no one else. Some people operate from an "I" versus a "We" approach. This also includes "in the name of a religion". People take things to an extreme and ultimately there are extreme outcomes.

Unless and until people realize that regardless of race, color, religion or background, it is a "collective we" at all times. We operate under the same stars, live on the same planet and breathe the same air.

Any person who has an extreme thought in any direction will have an unbalanced position in life. That is a Universal law and principle. No excuses, no exceptions and no justification can be used against this principle.

There is a concept called "Zero Point". The basic premise to this concept is too much of anything in any one direction, thought, action, being or believing is considered not balanced. In other words, too much food is not good. Over working is not good. Zero Point is in a harmonious state. It is balanced on all sides. Having the mind, body and spirit in balance is zero point. That is our goal as humans is to operate from this point.

In closing, may England and its people find zero point.

Previous history for Pluto in Capricorn

The last time that Pluto was in Capricorn was from 1762-1778. So what was happing during that time frame? Here are some excerpts found on a simple Google Search. Feel free to find different themes or patterns is the key. What I noticed rather quickly was taxation being implemented, slavery mentioned and different types of trades be- tween countries.

18 May 1764 - The British Parliament amended the Sugar Act from a commercial to a fiscal measure, to tax American colonists.

24 May 1764 - Boston lawyer James Otis denounced "taxation without representation," calling for the colonies to unite in opposition to Britain's new tax measures.

21 May 1767 - Townshend introduced taxes on imports of tea, glass, paper, and dyestuffs in American colonies to provide revenue for colonial administration.

5 March 1770 - British troops killed five civilians when they fired into a riotous crowd of demonstrators in Boston. Writing to sympathizers the next day, Sam Adams called the incident 'The Massacre'. In time this became known as the 'Boston Massacre'.

14 May 1772 - In London, Judge Mansfield ruled that there is no legal basis for slavery in England

14 April 1775 - The first public protest against slavery in America was a resolution signed in 1688 by four German Quakers in German-town, near Philadelphia. It wasn't until nearly a century later that the first anti-slavery organization was formed. Again the place was Philadelphia, and the organizers were Quakers.

18 April 1775 - At the outbreak of the War of American Independence, US patriot Paul Revere rode from Boston to Lexington, warning people as they went that British troops were on their way.

19 April 1775 - By the spring of 1775, relations between the British Crown and the American Colonials had become extremely tense. The British Army was officially responsible for enforcing various government decrees that the Colonials found unacceptable; the Colonials had formed militias and begun to stockpile weapons and ammunition.

14 June 1775 - The United States Army was founded.

1 March 1776 - French minister Charles Gravier advised his Spanish counterpart to support the American rebels against the English.

17 March 1776 - The end of the Siege of Boston. For almost a year, the siege of Boston remained a stalemate. When General Knox brought heavy cannon from Fort Ticonderoga the tide quickly turned in the Americans' favor, and Boston was reclaimed in a bloodless surrender. The British forces and many Tories departed for Halifax NS.

4 May 1776 - Rhode Island declared its freedom from England, two months before the Declaration of Independence was adopted.
End of chapter 13 sections
As you can see by reading this, many things are unfolding over the stated years of 2008 to 2024. It doesn’t happen in a vacuum or over night.

Just because the actual day of July 4th, 1776 was the day of the United States Independence doesn’t mean the revolution happened over night. There were many things happening to lead up to that moment in days, months and years.

Today, we are in a zodiac combination that is setting us up for revolution and raising (cosmic) consciousness. Meaning the true age of Aquarius as I have mentioned many times on radio and in my newsletters. Time for some good creative ingenuity, inventions and patents.
Sister Sage
Until next time, Safe Astrological Journeys

~ Sister Sage
© 2022 - Rev. Dr. Rhonda Schienle

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