Sister Sage's
Astrological Journey

As above, so below
As within, so without
As the universe, so the soul


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Happy New Year

Sister Sage's Forecast January 2021 Newsletter

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Sister Sage Astrological Journey Continues Cover
Is there a cosmic or divine order that has rhyme and reason under the heavens? As our personal journey unfolds are there times and seasons where we have recognized history repeating itself? Let’s explore these theories as it relates to astrological cycles from years past to current day on an individual, collective and global level.
“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”

~ Carl Jung
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”

~ Hermes Trismegistus

Gratitude Mentions

Thank you all for your amazing support to my passion to Divine Astrology. What a privilege to assist you in reading your stars for 2021 and beyond.
Coven 88
WVLP radio hostess Kealah Parkinson, I am grateful to the several times you had me on your show to help our people navigate these influences for 2020 and into the new year of 2021.
Founder and owner of Coven 88, Crystal Taylor, for allowing me to read your stars and the referrals you sent my way, I am humbled.

Happy New Year and Welcome January, 2021

Happy New Year
Question: What are your intentions?

We are now dwelling in the world of Capricorn ruled by the disciplined planet of Saturn.

A time for being mindful of thoughts, vibrations and considerations.

Keywords for Capricorn: detail oriented, disciplined, karmic, teacher, government and structures.
Geography: England
Anatomical: Knees/Teeth/Bones

January Messages

Use your Time Wisely
Let’s refresh here for a moment in this new year. We just had Saturn fully enter Aquarius in December as well as the lucky planet of Jupiter in Aquarius.

We had a Solar Eclipse, an activation to the age of Aquarius and an alignment that has not happened in many years. Some referred to the Star of Bethlehem this past Winters Solstice as the end times - new age of Aquarius.

Time for the awakening, the birth of who we really are and raising consciousness.

Wherever Saturn is residing, it will create challenge, change, course correction and restructuring. It is a karmic planet. So understand where the lessons are coming in.

Where Jupiter is residing offers growth, luck, expansion and opportunity.
Saturn will be influencing the new age sign of Aquarius for almost 2.5 years.

Jupiter, this lucky planet will be entering Aquarius on December 19th, 2020. This will remain here for almost 1 year. This will help soften a little the labor intensive Saturn.

Mercury Retrograde: January 30th, 2021 to February 20th in the sign of Aquarius.

New Moon: January 13th, 2021 - Set Intentions.

Full Moon: January 28th, 2021 - Release and Let Go.

Mars: finally leaves its own intense and high octane sign of Aries and goes into Taurus on January 6th, 2021. Let’s bring some action to making money or fulfill prosperity wishes. Taurus is money and Mars is action oriented.

Uranus: Goes direct on January 14th, 2021. Has been retro since August of 2020. This will active the Aquarius further.

*Let’s look at where your Lucky Planet of Jupiter in Aquarius will be in your chart by looking at your “birth month” below.
Solar Planet lineup

Your Jupiter in Aquarius by Birth Month

October: 5th house of love, romance, creativity, children

November: 4th house of foundation, home, family

December: 3rd house of critical thinking, short travels, siblings

January: 2nd house of money, self esteem and material possessions

February: 1st house of gifts, innate gifts and abilities

March: 12th house of subconscious, collective past lives, emotional blocks, accumulation of subconscious memories

April: 11th house of wishes, friends, original experiences and your organization affiliations

May: 10th house of career, public standing and accomplishments

June: 9th house of higher learning, spiritual beliefs, travel, philosophies

July: 8th house of legacy, corporate monies/investments, metaphysical faces of life and death/death and rebirth

August: 7th house of marriage partners, partnerships, agreements, facing the world

September: 6th house of service to the world (volunteer or work) daily health regimen, co-workers
Sister Sage
Until next time, Safe Astrological Journeys

~ Sister Sage
© 2020 - Rhonda Schienle

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