Sister Sage's
Astrological Journey

As above, so below
As within, so without
As the universe, so the soul


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Sister Sage Astrological Journey Continues Cover

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Is there a cosmic or divine order that has rhyme and reason under the heavens? As our personal journey unfolds are there times and seasons where we have recognized history repeating itself? Let’s explore these theories as it relates to astrological cycles from years past to current day on an individual, collective and global level.
“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”

~ Carl Jung
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”

~ Hermes Trismegistus

Gratitude Mentions

Thank you all for your amazing support to my passion to Divine Astrology. What a privilege to assist you in reading your stars for 2021 and beyond.
Auriel Grace
Quantum Priestess
Auriel Grace - Founder of A Gang of Girls radio, Author and Practical Psychic. In September 2021, “The Spiritual Show” will be the new name.

Auriel Grace link
A Gang of Girls link
Founder and owner of Quantum Priestess, Crystal Taylor, your recommendations are so appreciated.

Quantum Priestess link
WBHM-DB - Kat Hobson - Thank you for your kind request to have me on your show Wednesday, March 10th, 2021 from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM Eastern.

WBHM-DB link

October Happenings

Here we are in the world of Libra. It is inviting us with all these retrograde motions, to seek and find balance in all things we are doing.

Libra rules the house of business and marriage partners, facing the world, negotiations and agreements.

Currently we have 6 planets in retrograde with Mercury that just began on Monday September 27th to October 18th, 2021.

Many of us think of Mercury retrograde with misunderstandings, redoing appointments or rescheduling events etc. Another thing that may happen is those friends or people you have not talked to in a while may come back into your life.
At the same time, if there is a weak link in a relationship, it may dissolve. It doesn’t mean that in the future a new foundation can’t be created within a relationship of any kind, because it can. It is like saying the old way now just simply is not working.

Here is some good news as we navigate the retrogrades, we are coming out of 4 of them this month of October. What will be interesting to assess is a shift within in the since around late April to October. These last 6 months.

As we begin October and noticing the beautiful leaves already falling off the trees and the season has changed to Fall. Isn’t it beautiful how our planet earth talks to us? It is mirroring and teaching us how things change, leaves fall from the tree and the weather becomes cooler.

What does this bring up within you? So we can look forward to the October 6th New Moon in Libra and at the same time Pluto is going direct.

Libra new moon, let’s see what things we can balance out. Work, school, house repairs, exercise etc. Pluto represents death and rebirth, Endings and beginnings.

October 10th, thankfully the labor intensive, restrictive and teaching planet of Saturn will go direct. Oh what lessons have we learned since May 23rd.

Then Mercury will go direct on October 18th right along with Jupiter.

Let us breathe and begin to commence our holiday festivities.

New and Full Moon, Retrogrades and Effects

New Moon: Wednesday, October 5th, 2021 in Libra
Full Moon: Wednesday, October 20th, 2021 in Aries

Retrograde Dates:
  • Saturn: 5/23/21 to10/10/21
  • Uranus: 8/19/2021 to 1/18/22
  • Pluto: 4/27/21 to 10/06/21
  • Neptune: 6/25/21 to 12/1/21
  • Jupiter: 6/20/21 to 10/17/21
  • Mercury: 9/26/21 to 10/18/21
Matters that involve death and rebirth

Libra Keywords

Libra Gypsy
Libra is governed by Venus. Wherever the Sun sits in your chart, it wants you to shine. Right now it is Libra
  • Love
  • Balance
  • Harmony
  • Beauty
  • Justice
  • Partnership
  • Peace
  • Feng Shui
  • Day Spas
  • Massage Therapy
  • Fine foods
  • Material goods such as furniture
Solar Planet lineup

Where Is Your Libra?

(remember the keywords above for Libra to help you)

November: 12th house of subconscious, collective past lives, emotional blocks, accumulation of subconscious memories

December: 11th house of wishes, friends, original experiences and your organization affiliations

January: 10th house of career, public standing and accomplishments

February: 9th house of higher learning, spiritual beliefs, travel, philosophies

March: 8th house of legacy, corporate monies/investments, metaphysical faces of life and death/death and rebirth

April: 7th house of marriage partners, partnerships, agreements, facing the world

May: 6th house of service to the world (volunteer or work) daily health regimen, co-workers

June: 5th house of love, romance, creativity, children

July: 4th house of foundation, home, family (mother)

August: 3rd house of critical thinking, short travels, siblings

September: 2nd house of monies, self-esteem and material possessions

October: 1st house of gifts, innate gifts and abilities
Sister Sage
Until next time, Safe Astrological Journeys

~ Sister Sage
© 2021 - Rev. Dr. Rhonda Schienle

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