Sister Sage's Journey
As above, so below As within, so without As the universe, so the soul
Gratitude Mentions
“World Awake 2017” Annual Conference hosted by A World Alliance of Interfaith Clergy in Marriottsville Maryland.
This past November 10th - 12th, 2017 was a powerful spiritual gathering. Many inspiring and empowering workshops, keynote speakers, vendors and authors. I sold many signed books and loved doing some live readings. Those in their respective spiritual organizations were there to promote spiritual excellence in our Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul development.
Auriel Grace, hostess of A Gang of Girls radio, thank you for allowing me to share every first Sunday of the month with you all.
Click here to listen live
Next live show: Sunday January 7th, 2018 8e/7c/5p
Sister Sage’s Astrological Report for December, 2017
Happy Holidays, December, 2017
Hello my stargazing friends. I chose this image and the quote for many reasons.
The flower of life! Our journey is so amazing that to pause for reflection and remembrance of our sacred journey is so important. The journey within is powerful. That is why I chose the quote above. When I do live AstroPsychology readings I am reminding my clients that to know where we came from, why we are here and what sits before us is powerful information.
The stars are to assist, support and guide you along your path and journey.
Therefore I have created a special for the month of December.
“Every road in life is a journey. The rear view mirror is to remind us of where we have been so that we can fully understand where we are going.
~Nishan Panwar
December 2017 Skype Reading Special:
Get a signed copy of my book with a 30 minute live Skype reading for $45.00
Full Cold Moon, December 03, 2017
Dragon's Head and Tail
Dragon's Head in Leo and Tail in Aquarius April 28th, 2017 to November 15th, 2018
Some keywords for Leo: the famous and infamous Some keywords for Aquarius: Parkinson's, Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Electrical System
The Famous: David Cassidy - sadly he suffered from advanced Dementia and passed away.
Malcolm Young - he too had Dementia. These two souls died within days of one another.
In my book I talked about how there will be more discussions in the-news on Parkinsons, Alzheimers (dementia) during this Dragon's Head in Leo and tail in Aquarius. With these two famous people, it has put these diseases in the forefront again. Time to put more exploring of how to cure or prevent these from happening.
The Infamous: Charles Manson - Scorpio in his first house, Sun, Venus, and Jupiter was almost exact of his Birth Chart and at the time of his death. At the time of death, he had Sun, Venus, Jupiter and the Moon, whereas his Birth chart had Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury.
My analysis on this, it is very karmic in nature. It came back around to collect.
Charles Manson Birth and Death Chart
Planet Movements and Retrogrades
Mercury Retrograde Begins - December 3rd 2017 at 2:34 AM EST in Sagittarius Ends - December 22nd, 2017 at 8:51 PM
People tend to ask what is happening when mercury goes retrograde. The planet appears to be going backwards but in reality it is not. It does however offer us humans and electronic technology a certain amount of mishaps.
Astrologers call this the “Re-Do’s” i.e. re-send, re-think and re-schedule then repeat LOL. Mercury is the planet of communications so there may be delays or even miscommunications between people and the use of technology to convey messages.
It is a great time for introspection, reflection and review of the last 3 months or quarter. Time to assimilate and process that which you have learned, encountered or experienced.
Tip: A great time to journal your night dreams and notate those daydreams as well. Also put forth your questions to the Universe right before bedtime. If you so choose, write it down and have that journal next to your bed.
Neptune went direct on November 22nd, 2017.
Uranus retrograde began on Thursday August 3rd 2017 and goes direct on January 2nd 2018.
Venus goes into the sign of Scorpio on November 7th, 2017, where the lucky planet and currently the Sun are residing.
Saturn enters Capricorn December 19th, 2017 to December 17th, 2020.
Wow! Holy Stars! This is a powerful and significant change in the heavens. Saturn is a very structured and disciplined sign. It also happens to govern the zodiac sign of Capricorn. It’s arriving to change, restructure and offer discipline.
Question to yourself: What was happening in your life during the dates below. In what areas of your life do you recall some major overhauls, restructuring or life lessons? Last time it was there was November 1988 to February 1991.
Moon Sign Effects
Full Moon in Gemini
December 3rd, 2017 - SuperMoon power. Truly let go during this time and replace that with those things you truly want to flourish and grow. What you want to see in 2018. It is okay to do this through the final month of the year.
Question: What final thing this year do you want to rid, let go of, or shed?
New Moon in Sagittarius
This is a new moon at 1:30 AM still in the sign of Sagittarius and just beginning to enter Capricorn. Moon goes into Capricorn same day at 8:33 AM EST. A time to begin looking ahead into the new year.
Question:What new idea are you coming up with to replace what you are letting go of this year?
Planets and Signs
Saturn in Sagittarius: December 23rd, 2014 - December 19th, 2017
My wonderful friends we are about to have a major change next month with the planet of Saturn. I will be writing and on the radio sharing what this change entails. As you can see it lasts for quite some time after it makes a change into a sign. 2.5 years is how long Saturn’s reign is. Saturn is the Master Teacher, Task Master, Disciplined, Karmic and known as Father Time.
Allow me to share that it has come in and made its restructuring and changes in the world of Sagittarius. I wrote a chapter on this in my book if you choose to read it. You’ll be able to see what it has done because most of it has been on the news the last couple of years. I also included all the keywords in book on this, so you can certainly make the connections.
As we begin to slowly close out 2017 and its changes, I have provided a wonderful cleansing prayer. I have seen this on Facebook and love it. Its use is good for Full Moon rituals and releasing. So it's a good time to take in a good breath, release and thank it (Divine and the Stars) for its lessons, changes and opportunities.
Jupiter in Scorpio October 10th, 2017 to November 11th, 2018
Jupiter Keywords: Jupiter is the lucky planet! Growth, Expansion, Opportunity, Spiritual Laws (vs man made laws), publishing, philosophy and theology.
Scorpio Keywords: Passion, intense, investigative, corporate monies, Insurances (all kinds), paranormal, investigative, detective/homicides (police work), mortuary sciences, metaphysics.
Winter Solstice Blessings on Thursday, December 21st, 2017
Your Birth Month
*Note this is the general rule and does not include other planetary combinations in your personal chart.
Born in November: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your first house of innate gifts, abilities and natural talents. You can utilize any of these keywords to make a combination of your liking. Have you thought about publishing a book or learning how to do investments? A great time to do it. A great time to investigate, learn or write about any of the topics that pertains to the Scorpio world. The lucky planet of Jupiter is sitting right on top of you! There are more keywords if you have “Sister Sage’s Astrological Journeys” book.
Born in December: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your twelfth house. This house rules your subconscious and hidden areas.The lucky planet wants to assist you with some subconscious cleaning. Those things that may be latent or hidden can be worked on with a little more ease or luck. A great time to journal. Consider some dream study courses.
Born in January: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your eleventh house. Oh yes! The eleventh house is all about friendships, new original experiences, hopes and wishes. A time to connect with those advanced souls that are born in November can be a lot of fun. Any work, hobby or exploration into the keywords above of Scorpio can be highly entertaining.
Born in February: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your tenth house. The lucky planet is sitting right in your house of career, public standing, accomplishments and achievements. Any work, studies, or writings on these subjects are yours to have if you choose. If you enjoy working with money, corporate finances or any investigation type work, this is for you. For you all born in February and the tail of the dragon sitting on top of you, this Jupiter in this tenth house will be helpful.
Born in March: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your ninth house of higher learning, traveling long distance, philosophy and mental exploration. If you had planned on taking some classes in any of these Scorpio industries for hobby, career or personal development, this is a great time. If you enjoy hospital//medical related work for those born in March, this can be a great time to learn more about phlebotomy, mortuary sciences or crime scene investigations.
Born in April: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your eighth house of legacy, corporate monies, past life residue and taxes. The lucky planet is touching your 8th house of legacy. A great time to look at your overall investments and financial portfolios. How to make more money or start some new endeavor that dwells in the world of Scorpio (keywords). Are you looking to start a business or buy a house. These are all areas that affect your 8th house. Always make sure you are watching the retrograde phases. Start your new endeavors between a new moon and full moon as a general rule.
Born in May: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your seventh house of business partners, facing the world, agreements, contracts and relationships and marriage partners. Folks born in May, even if you are not married, this can also apply with business partners and agreements you enter into. Those advance souls born in November can be helpful or instrumental as a business partner or mentor. Those born in May can do well with learning more about the financial industries, investments, property management or real estate. If your desires follow the metaphysical pursuits, this is a great time to find it and do it.
Born in June: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your June sixth house of health, service to the world, co-workers and working environment. The lucky planet offers you an opportunity to explore the world of Scorpio as either a hobby, volunteer or career if you so choose. Born in June already offers you the desire for mental stimulation, so why not add a little something new within the world of finances, metaphysics or investigative endeavors? The other idea is to write about it.
Born in July: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your fifth house of love, romance, children, and creativity. For you single ones born in July, a love or romance can be sparked by someone born in November. If not the romance, then by those born in November to assist you in your creative ideas, especially in the world of metaphysics, the macabre, spiritual or investigative endeavors.
Born in August: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your fourth house of home, family and foundation. Any type of work out of your home that dwells in the world of Scorpio can be so phenomenal for you. The lucky planet is sitting in your home area. Have you considered any work done on your home or even within your home? For those born in August who consider themselves light workers, educators and spiritual leaders can benefit from crystals, sacred rituals and metaphysical work within your home. If you have a website to sell some of these types of products (crystals, incense, sage and so forth) is another lucky opportunity for you.
Born in September: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your third house of communications, siblings, short trips, thinking and critical thinking. In this house you think like a Scorpio. There is some luck here involving studies or learning anything to do with financial (investments), metaphysical or criminal investigations. Those born in September as a general rule have a methodical way of thinking, so financial planning, accounting for personal or professional is great.
Born in October: This combination of Jupiter in Scorpio affects your second house of self-esteem, money (as in your personal bank accounts) and material possessions. Scorpio rules corporate monies, such as investments, payroll and big banks like Etrade. So you are having luck in both areas, personal and corporate monies. A good time to look over all of your financial portfolios. Exciting yes? A lucky time if you need material possessions such as cars, clothes to furniture, just name it. Those born in October do like balance, much like the scale you see in the courtrooms; this may be a great time to bring balance to your home with Feng Shui. This opens up even more abundance.
Ask Sister Sage
Please email me for questions and answers you would like to see here in the Newsletter at
Please visit if you’d like to order my book. Paperback price is $12.50 and Kindle ebook price is $3.99.
Until next time, Safe Astrological Journeys
~ Sister Sage