Jupiter in Gemini

Commences: June 11th, 2012 to June 24th, 2013

Written: March 13th, 2012

Jupiter keywords: luck, growth, expansion and opportunity

Look to Birth Month

*These are a general rule unless they have an affliction or negative aspect in their individual natal chart.

Born June- FIRST HOUSE. This house represents your inborn talents, traits and gifts. This includes soul’s purpose and outward appearance.
If Jupiter is the lucky planet and it represents growth, opportunity and expansion, can you see what this means for you? The lucky planet will bless opportunities with all your inborn gifts and talents.
Those born in June have such gifted hands. From Massage Therapy, Knitting, Sign Language, you name it.
This is a time to really get your souls purpose on track; which is to become the messenger to your peoples.
After all, in Greek Mythology; Gemini or Mercury is the Messenger of the Gods.
Any ideas involving photography, spirit photography, radio, publishing, writing, communications, sign language, massage work are just the beginning of ideas for you to consider.
With the planet Jupiter now sitting in your first house it may offer you other fun filled activities to do such as photography, travel, different language, mental exploration, holistic endeavors or learning more about animals and Native American Indian culture.
Time to use those innate gifts and abilities. Learning, Traveling, Mental exploration, Photography and Writing is a great time to do this.
Just be aware as you know the sign of the twin may offer you working, studying or doing 2 things at once ☺

Born May- Second House of money, personal possessions and Self-esteem. This says it all for you.
Luck with money into your personal bank account and material possessions. Remember that material things can be anything from furniture, cars, clothes, jewelry and any other personal possessions.
Some days, money can show up as refunds that you forgot about, a lottery ticket or scratch off. You never know the ways or methods money comes to you.
It could be a visit to Las Vegas or other casino gambling halls and win a bundle. This could be a fun time with the Lucky planet in your house of money.
Just watch the retrograde times on an astrological calendar, so you are not buying, moving or signing contracts at the wrong time.
Retrograde times for Mercury in this case, are not the time to buy, sign or purchase.
Look to make your forward progresses between the New Moon and Full Moon time periods.
For those born in May and November look for my new dragons Head and Tail changes for September 1st, 2012

Born April-THIRD House of critical thinking, siblings, communications, verbal expressions and thoughts. It also rules and affects short trip travels.
Time to make some short and long distant trips. Jupiter likes long distance travel while your Gemini third house loves the short trips across town.
Time to take advantage of the gift in the mind area. It can or will enhance your ability to creatively express your inherent gifts and talents.
Writing, publishing, blogging or giving lectures about your favorite topics is offered to you with luck and opportunity. It is simply there.
Any form or format of expression, writing, publishing, radio, TV or communication will flow more effortlessly during this time.
Since Jupiter is expansive, think big and outside of the box. Go long on your dreams. Think it and believe it.
Allow your mind to travel to far away places that are calming and especially during times of meditation. This is a helpful tip to those born in April.

Born March-FOURTH House of home, family (immediate family members), foundation, upbringing and mother.
Jupiter is a planet of travel; do not be surprised if there is travel regarding your home, a new home or a second home.
Also, If you are planning for the new room addition or adding something new to the house, this is a lucky time to do so.
In literal terms, a new addition to the family by marriage or someone having a baby is also a blessed time with Jupiter in your Gemini area.
Having that wonderful family reunion with immediate family members at your house is an awesome time to do so with the blessings of Jupiter.

Even a selling/buying of a home can be lucky during this time with the lucky planet sitting in the fourth house.
If pondering a new business out of the home, this is another good time frame providing it is not during mercury in retrograde.
In astrology, things can be literal, symbolic or figurative.
For those born in March that like their artistic side or crafts, really a good time to do this within the home or family.

Born February- FIFTH House of love, romance, children, private entertainment and speculations.
Those born in February are in luck in the romance department.
This could be romance and finding true love. This may be accompanied by lots of travel.
Those born in February are compatible with the following birth months that are of Air and Fire signs. (General rule only.)
Fire signs are: April, August, December
Air signs are: February, June, October.
Those born in February love their outdoors and nature.
They are also great humanitarians in their own right.
They tend to lean on the new age, futuristic ideas of the world and bringing the human race forward with technology.
So they may tend to find doing these things as their private entertainment as well.
You can utilize these energies by taking a nice camera out to the great outdoors. Snap those pictures and create a beautiful video to music with it.
Jupiter loves photography, the great outdoors, animals, horses and naturist adventures.
Time to take in the majestic views of our world.

Born January- SIXTH House this house represents your service to the world, co-workers, health and working environment.
An important aspect of this house is that you become a Gemini! In Greek Mythology this means The Messenger of The God’s. You are to communicate to your peoples. You are the messenger. That can be by speaking, writing, radio, tv, blogs or any forms of publishing.
The subject matter to convey is what you feel is important to you. That can be about health, our world, philosophy, astrology, theology or whatever topics you feel are of importance.
This is a great time and opportunity to show your volunteerism and service to the world. The lucky planet will allow you to shine and gain recognition in sharing and volunteering your time.
For some this could simply be volunteering as a coach in little league, sports, hotlines, spiritual centers and you name it.
Others could volunteer at the VA hospitals or other similar organizations that need your support. Since this is the house of health, you may want to support or help out a health organization or work for one. Choice is yours.
Whether you use your time, your place of business or monetary donations, the lucky planet will reward you through good Karma.
Your service to the world whether for profit or volunteer will allow you to travel near and far.

Born December- SEVENTH House of marriage, contracts, negotiations, business partners and how you face the world.
Those born in December may be finding new business partners that are of a different culture or in a foreign territory such as Australia, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Las Vegas and or Palm Springs. Most desert areas of California fall into this category.
Things may happen in doubles or 2-fold. Not uncommon for you since you have the sign of the twin in your 7th house of agreements, facing the world, marriage partners and contracts.
Look for those born in June and December. They may just be the lucky ones.
Make sure you sign all agreements between the New and Full Moons. Also, never during a Mercury in Retrograde.

Born November- EIGHTH House of legacy, corporate monies, debts, loans, investments, joint monies, inheritances and mortgages. The lucky planet will do just that, bring you luck in any of these areas.
Any endeavors toward your legacy, investments, buying or selling real estate is good.
The 8th house rules stocks, corporate monies, mortgages, inheritances, life and retirement plans too.
This may incur a move either for personal or business reasons. Either way, you have the lucky planet of Jupiter on your side.
If you are looking to start a new business and need loans, the 8th house is just the area you would want the lucky planet to be sitting.
Those born in May and November need to watch for my next predictions on the Dragons Head into Scorpio and Dragons Tail in Taurus that commence on September 1st, 2012. Big changes in store for you.

Born October- NINTH House of higher learning, teaching, publishing, long distance traveling and philosophies and theology.
Are you inspired or have a desire to write, snap photos or publish? This is the lucky time to do that. It does not matter if it is a hobby, career, a wish, charity or whatever the reason, this is a lucky time to do it. Jupiter already governs this 9th house, so you are getting a double dose of its lucky touch.
It is a fabulous time to take that big trip to a foreign country and learn about their cultures; especially if the culture is relating to the Native American Indians.
This house is really about learning, education and knowledge. Time to expand the mind.
Whether it is about natural laws or man made laws, it will be good.
Time to think and explore outside the box. It is not always the traditional learning’s, it is the non-traditional learning’s to challenge our minds.

Born September- TENTH House is the house of career, achievements, accolades, honors and accomplishments.
With the lucky planet sitting in the house of career and accomplishments, you cannot miss this target. Even with your eyes closed.
This can offer traveling abroad, publishing and even some name recognition.
Time to just go out and shine.
Since you become a Gemini in your 10th house of career and public standing, it is good to know the power is in your hands.
This could be quilting and entering contests, crocheting, writing, publishing, massage therapy, sign language training and the list goes on and on.
Also as they say, a green thumb when it comes to gardening and having a garden full of vegetables or other food plants.
Those born in September can get real creative in jarring their foods. Especially for future emergency needs or other events that arise.

Born August- Eleventh House is the house of wishes, hopes, dreams, friends, and original experiences.
Those born in August love the sunshine and spotlight. So it is time to go get those friends and witty people born in June to go for an awesome original adventure.
Time to take a train ride on the orient express or some mystery theatre fun type Broadway show.
Whether it is planes, trains or automobiles or all of them for a fun filled memory lasting vacation.
Whatever bucket list items you have, get your greatest friends and start checking them off by doing them.
Dream it, wish it and do it!!

Born July - Twelfth House represents your secrets, subconscious and unknown enemies.
This can also be another way of saying things that are hidden in the subconscious can very well bubble up to the surface to be viewed.
Your subconscious may speak to you in the forms of dreams, events or circumstances. Those dreams you have are very symbolic. Learning the symbolism would be a very good thing to do at this time.
That includes starting a dream diary. Your dreams, (day or nighttime dreams) could provide ideas and even solutions to current circumstances in your life.
What is key while doing your dream journal is to look for themes, patterns cycles or rhythms of your life.
This includes learning the meaning of Synchronicity and applying it daily to your life.
Ask the Universe any question and begin to see how it answers.
If there are any inherent likings to the Native American Indian Cultures, it is a good time to explore them. Whether that is utilizing symbols of animals, there honoring’s of seasons, food preparation or you name it. Jupiter rules these energies, elements and properties.
Australia, Spain, Portugal, Las Vegas and Desert areas are also geographical areas of Jupiter.
Publishing, writing and photography may be appreciated from a different advantage point such as from the within, subconscious, inner workings and the like. This also includes, philosophy, theology and psychology. Give thought to this, it is a deeper subject.

~Enjoy the lucky planet in good karma

Sister Sage!

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Jupiter in Gemini

Written: March 13th, 2012

Jupiter in Gemini from June 11th, 2012 to June 24th, 2013

Jupiter= luck, growth, expansion and opportunity

Look to Birth Month

*These are a general rule unless they have an affliction or negative aspect in their individual natal chart.

Born June- FIRST HOUSE. This house represents your inborn talents, traits and gifts. This includes soul’s purpose and outward appearance.
If Jupiter is the lucky planet and it represents growth, opportunity and expansion, can you see what this means for you? The lucky planet will bless opportunities with all your inborn gifts and talents.
Those born in June have such gifted hands. From Massage Therapy, Knitting, Sign Language, you name it.
This is a time to really get your souls purpose on track; which is to become the messenger to your peoples.
After all, in Greek Mythology; Gemini or Mercury is the Messenger of the Gods.
Any ideas involving photography, spirit photography, radio, publishing, writing, communications, sign language, massage work are just the beginning of ideas for you to consider.
With the planet Jupiter now sitting in your first house it may offer you other fun filled activities to do such as photography, travel, different language, mental exploration, holistic endeavors or learning more about animals and Native American Indian culture.
Time to use those innate gifts and abilities. Learning, Traveling, Mental exploration, Photography and Writing is a great time to do this.
Just be aware as you know the sign of the twin may offer you working, studying or doing 2 things at once ☺

Born May- Second House of money, personal possessions and Self-esteem. This says it all for you.
Luck with money into your personal bank account and material possessions. Remember that material things can be anything from furniture, cars, clothes, jewelry and any other personal possessions.
Some days, money can show up as refunds that you forgot about, a lottery ticket or scratch off. You never know the ways or methods money comes to you.
It could be a visit to Las Vegas or other casino gambling halls and win a bundle. This could be a fun time with the Lucky planet in your house of money.
Just watch the retrograde times on an astrological calendar, so you are not buying, moving or signing contracts at the wrong time.
Retrograde times for Mercury in this case, are not the time to buy, sign or purchase.
Look to make your forward progresses between the New Moon and Full Moon time periods.
For those born in May and November look for my new dragons Head and Tail changes for September 1st, 2012

Born April-THIRD House of critical thinking, siblings, communications, verbal expressions and thoughts. It also rules and affects short trip travels.
Time to make some short and long distant trips. Jupiter likes long distance travel while your Gemini third house loves the short trips across town.
Time to take advantage of the gift in the mind area. It can or will enhance your ability to creatively express your inherent gifts and talents.
Writing, publishing, blogging or giving lectures about your favorite topics is offered to you with luck and opportunity. It is simply there.
Any form or format of expression, writing, publishing, radio, TV or communication will flow more effortlessly during this time.
Since Jupiter is expansive, think big and outside of the box. Go long on your dreams. Think it and believe it.
Allow your mind to travel to far away places that are calming and especially during times of meditation. This is a helpful tip to those born in April.

Born March-FOURTH House of home, family (immediate family members), foundation, upbringing and mother.
Jupiter is a planet of travel; do not be surprised if there is travel regarding your home, a new home or a second home.
Also, If you are planning for the new room addition or adding something new to the house, this is a lucky time to do so.
In literal terms, a new addition to the family by marriage or someone having a baby is also a blessed time with Jupiter in your Gemini area.
Having that wonderful family reunion with immediate family members at your house is an awesome time to do so with the blessings of Jupiter.

Even a selling/buying of a home can be lucky during this time with the lucky planet sitting in the fourth house.
If pondering a new business out of the home, this is another good time frame providing it is not during mercury in retrograde.
In astrology, things can be literal, symbolic or figurative.
For those born in March that like their artistic side or crafts, really a good time to do this within the home or family.

Born February- FIFTH House of love, romance, children, private entertainment and speculations.
Those born in February are in luck in the romance department.
This could be romance and finding true love. This may be accompanied by lots of travel.
Those born in February are compatible with the following birth months that are of Air and Fire signs. (General rule only.)
Fire signs are: April, August, December
Air signs are: February, June, October.
Those born in February love their outdoors and nature.
They are also great humanitarians in their own right.
They tend to lean on the new age, futuristic ideas of the world and bringing the human race forward with technology.
So they may tend to find doing these things as their private entertainment as well.
You can utilize these energies by taking a nice camera out to the great outdoors. Snap those pictures and create a beautiful video to music with it.
Jupiter loves photography, the great outdoors, animals, horses and naturist adventures.
Time to take in the majestic views of our world.

Born January- SIXTH House this house represents your service to the world, co-workers, health and working environment.
An important aspect of this house is that you become a Gemini! In Greek Mythology this means The Messenger of The God’s. You are to communicate to your peoples. You are the messenger. That can be by speaking, writing, radio, tv, blogs or any forms of publishing.
The subject matter to convey is what you feel is important to you. That can be about health, our world, philosophy, astrology, theology or whatever topics you feel are of importance.
This is a great time and opportunity to show your volunteerism and service to the world. The lucky planet will allow you to shine and gain recognition in sharing and volunteering your time.
For some this could simply be volunteering as a coach in little league, sports, hotlines, spiritual centers and you name it.
Others could volunteer at the VA hospitals or other similar organizations that need your support. Since this is the house of health, you may want to support or help out a health organization or work for one. Choice is yours.
Whether you use your time, your place of business or monetary donations, the lucky planet will reward you through good Karma.
Your service to the world whether for profit or volunteer will allow you to travel near and far.

Born December- SEVENTH House of marriage, contracts, negotiations, business partners and how you face the world.
Those born in December may be finding new business partners that are of a different culture or in a foreign territory such as Australia, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Las Vegas and or Palm Springs. Most desert areas of California fall into this category.
Things may happen in doubles or 2-fold. Not uncommon for you since you have the sign of the twin in your 7th house of agreements, facing the world, marriage partners and contracts.
Look for those born in June and December. They may just be the lucky ones.
Make sure you sign all agreements between the New and Full Moons. Also, never during a Mercury in Retrograde.

Born November- EIGHTH House of legacy, corporate monies, debts, loans, investments, joint monies, inheritances and mortgages. The lucky planet will do just that, bring you luck in any of these areas.
Any endeavors toward your legacy, investments, buying or selling real estate is good.
The 8th house rules stocks, corporate monies, mortgages, inheritances, life and retirement plans too.
This may incur a move either for personal or business reasons. Either way, you have the lucky planet of Jupiter on your side.
If you are looking to start a new business and need loans, the 8th house is just the area you would want the lucky planet to be sitting.
Those born in May and November need to watch for my next predictions on the Dragons Head into Scorpio and Dragons Tail in Taurus that commence on September 1st, 2012. Big changes in store for you.

Born October- NINTH House of higher learning, teaching, publishing, long distance traveling and philosophies and theology.
Are you inspired or have a desire to write, snap photos or publish? This is the lucky time to do that. It does not matter if it is a hobby, career, a wish, charity or whatever the reason, this is a lucky time to do it. Jupiter already governs this 9th house, so you are getting a double dose of its lucky touch.
It is a fabulous time to take that big trip to a foreign country and learn about their cultures; especially if the culture is relating to the Native American Indians.
This house is really about learning, education and knowledge. Time to expand the mind.
Whether it is about natural laws or man made laws, it will be good.
Time to think and explore outside the box. It is not always the traditional learning’s, it is the non-traditional learning’s to challenge our minds.

Born September- TENTH House is the house of career, achievements, accolades, honors and accomplishments.
With the lucky planet sitting in the house of career and accomplishments, you cannot miss this target. Even with your eyes closed.
This can offer traveling abroad, publishing and even some name recognition.
Time to just go out and shine.
Since you become a Gemini in your 10th house of career and public standing, it is good to know the power is in your hands.
This could be quilting and entering contests, crocheting, writing, publishing, massage therapy, sign language training and the list goes on and on.
Also as they say, a green thumb when it comes to gardening and having a garden full of vegetables or other food plants.
Those born in September can get real creative in jarring their foods. Especially for future emergency needs or other events that arise.

Born August- Eleventh House is the house of wishes, hopes, dreams, friends, and original experiences.
Those born in August love the sunshine and spotlight. So it is time to go get those friends and witty people born in June to go for an awesome original adventure.
Time to take a train ride on the orient express or some mystery theatre fun type Broadway show.
Whether it is planes, trains or automobiles or all of them for a fun filled memory lasting vacation.
Whatever bucket list items you have, get your greatest friends and start checking them off by doing them.
Dream it, wish it and do it!!

Born July - Twelfth House represents your secrets, subconscious and unknown enemies.
This can also be another way of saying things that are hidden in the subconscious can very well bubble up to the surface to be viewed.
Your subconscious may speak to you in the forms of dreams, events or circumstances. Those dreams you have are very symbolic. Learning the symbolism would be a very good thing to do at this time.
That includes starting a dream diary. Your dreams, (day or nighttime dreams) could provide ideas and even solutions to current circumstances in your life.
What is key while doing your dream journal is to look for themes, patterns cycles or rhythms of your life.
This includes learning the meaning of Synchronicity and applying it daily to your life.
Ask the Universe any question and begin to see how it answers.
If there are any inherent likings to the Native American Indian Cultures, it is a good time to explore them. Whether that is utilizing symbols of animals, there honoring’s of seasons, food preparation or you name it. Jupiter rules these energies, elements and properties.
Australia, Spain, Portugal, Las Vegas and Desert areas are also geographical areas of Jupiter.
Publishing, writing and photography may be appreciated from a different advantage point such as from the within, subconscious, inner workings and the like. This also includes, philosophy, theology and psychology. Give thought to this, it is a deeper subject.

~Enjoy the lucky planet in good karma

Sister Sage!