Jupiter in Pisces

Commences: Jan. 18, 2010 - Jan. 21, 2011

Written: October 23, 2009

Jupiter energy and meanings
: luck, expansion, growth, opportunities

Cautionary Dates: It is important to note that Jupiter will go into Aries on June 6th, 2010 for a brief stay until it begins retrograde on July 23rd, 2010. It retrogrades back into Pisces on September 9th, Direct on November 18th. Re-enters Aries on January 22nd, 2011.

See what the lucky planet has in store for you by looking up your birth month below.

January: Those born in January, this affects your THIRD HOUSE/Pisces of critical thinking, siblings, communications, verbal expressions and thoughts. It also rules and affects short trip travels. Pisces does rule many things and aspects. One of those aspects is a creative, crafty and artistic expression. Think it and create it, with the help of the lucky planet Jupiter. Remember that thoughts are things. Also Jupiter helps with any spiritual or religious journeys (including endeavors) you may be exploring. A short trip to learn of a spiritual concept or reading on spiritual enlightenment would provide spiritual growth. An opportunity to write poetry is also given during this time frame. Watch the cautionary dates above, when it goes into Aries, from June 6th, 2010 to July 22nd, 2010, brings luck to the home area.

February: Those born in February, this affects SECOND HOUSE/Pisces of money, personal possessions and self-esteem. This says it all for you. Luck with money into your personal bank account. Then in turn, it is luck with going out and buying all that wonderful new furniture, cars or whatever it is you have been wanting. Having the lucky planet in your second or eighth house is a good thing. Just watch the retrograde dates above on the cautionary times, so you are not buying in an Aries time frame. Retrograde times for Mercury or Jupiter in this case, are not the time to buy or purchase.

March: Those born in March, the lucky planet is sitting right in your FIRST HOUSE/Pisces. This house represents your inborn talents, traits and gifts. Also your soul’s purpose and outward appearance rules in the first house. If Jupiter is the lucky planet and it represents growth, opportunity and expansion, can you see what this means for you? The lucky planet will bless opportunities with all your inborn gifts and talents. Is that arts and crafts? Is it spiritual endeavors? Learning piano or how to sing? Or is it aquatics and swimming endeavors of some kind? All of these that are mentioned are good during this time. Pisces in Divine Astrology rules the entire month of March regardless of day. Even if you are born March 20th - 31st. This affects you the same way.

April: Those born in April, the lucky planet is sitting right in your TWELTH HOUSE/Pisces. This house represents your secrets, subconscious, unknown enemies. This can also be another way of saying things that are hidden in the subconscious can very well surface to be viewed. It can come in the forms of dreams or circumstance. It is very symbolic those dreams you have. Learning the symbolism would be a real good thing to do at this time. That includes starting a dream diary. Your dreams, (day or nighttime dreams) could provide ideas and even solutions to current circumstances in your life. What is key while doing your dream journal is to look for themes, patterns and even cycles. This includes learning the meaning of synchronicity and applying it daily to your life. Daytime dreams are equally important and recommended to be observed. Sweet dreams to those born in April.

May: Those born in May, the lucky planet is sitting right in your ELEVENTH HOUSE/Pisces. This rules wishes, friends, and original experiences. This also includes original experiences within groups. A great time to get involved with a new or favorite groups, especially if it includes a spiritual, artistic or crafty endeavor. The general rule for you is to look for those friends born in March. They assist you with the sentimental and sensitive side of things in life. Wish and hope big is what Jupiter in Pisces offers you. Pisces rules Hawaii, ever dream or hope for a trip to Hawaii, this is a good time to do it. Joining a winery club is another way to express Jupiter in Pisces for your eleventh house. So clubs, groups or other gatherings are encouraged during this time. Go ahead, try something new those born in May.

June: Those born in June, the lucky planet is sitting in TENTH HOUSE/Pisces of career, honors, public standing, achievement and accomplishments. I think this says it all having a lucky planet in the house of career. If Jupiter rules growth, expansion and opportunity, then go for that job expansion idea. If you were looking for recognition for what you do in your work place or even your passions outside of work, this is the time to shine. Any accomplishment you are seeking regarding publishing, writing or blogging, etc., this is a wonderful time to do that. Rewards do come to those who act on their dreams. Your TENTH house wants you to dream it and achieve it. Remember to start any and all endeavors between a new and full moon. Do not start anything during a Mercury in retrograde (see the Laws link).

July: Those born in July, the lucky planet is sitting right in your NINTH House/Pisces of higher learning, teaching, publishing, long distance traveling and philosophies/theologies. Are you inspired or have a desire to write or publish? This is the lucky time to do that. It does not matter if it is a hobby, career, a wish, charity or whatever the reason for writing and publishing, this is a lucky time to do it. Jupiter already governs this 9th house, so you are getting a double dose of its lucky touch. It is a fabulous time to take that big trip to a foreign country and learn about their cultures. Photography, publishing and traveling is offered to those born in July during this time. Who knows, maybe one of your photos or writings will make it into the local newspaper. Jupiter/Sagittarius rules the newspaper industry.

August: For those born in the month of August, this lucky planet is touching your EIGHTH House/Pisces of legacy, corporate monies, debts, investments, joint monies, inheritances, mortgages and so much more. For those born in August your 8th house is Pisces. So any new endeavors for legacy work involving churches, hospitals, spiritual and artistic endeavors are highly encouraged. The lucky planet will do just that, bring you luck in any of these areas. Any endeavors toward your legacy, making money or as investment into one of these categories is very lucky indeed. Pisces is likened to a story time teller, so if you have that gift, perhaps it’s a time to write a book of stories. Or read a good story for that matter. Again if it relates to any of the categories described, it will be beneficial to you. Many people are drawn to you because they want to feel that spotlight and warmth of the Sun with you. They see your charm, glow, charisma and beauty that the Sun naturally offers to those born in August. Many of our wonderful actors and actresses are born in August, that is why they are in the “spotlight”. It comes very natural for most of them.

September: The lucky planet is sitting right in your SEVENTH House/Pisces of marriage, contracts, negotiations, business partners and how you face the world. This is where your Pisces sits. Pisces rules churches, spiritual and or artistic endeavors, creativeness and craftiness. It also rules Christianaity. So anything related to these areas are receiving luck. If you are considering signing or creating a new contract with some business associates, this is the lucky time to do it. New agreements of any kind regardless of what it is for. i.e. marriage, relationships, business partners or hobbies can be lucky. It is also a lucky time for marriage, especially if your partner is born in the month of earth and or water signs (January, May and September are Earth; March, November and July are Water). Any endeavors or adventures with either a love partner or business partner are lucky to those born in September. Pisces rules Hawaii, Guam, Florida, Middle East, and most places with lots of water surrounding them. Not Japan, that is Aquarian territory.

October: the lucky planet is sitting in your SIXTH House/Pisces of service to the world, co-workers, health and working environment. This is a great time and opportunity to show your volunteerism. The lucky planet will allow you to shine and gain recognition in sharing your time to local charities, VA, hospitals, or other organizations that need your support. Whether you use your time, your place of business or monetary donations, the lucky planet will reward you. This is the good kind of Karma. In addition, if you are planning on starting a new service, the lucky planet is on your side. Pisces rules many industries and just a few are hospitals, churches, spiritual centers, cinematography, psychics, artistic endeavors, music and so much more. Those born in March will be ones to assist you in many of your spiritual or artistic endeavors.

November: the lucky planet is sitting right in your FIFTH House/Pisces of love, romance, children, private entertainment and speculations. Any plans of a road trip or traveling to foreign places that involve your kids and love partner, the lucky planet is there to assist you with that adventure. Private entertainment that has anything to do with arts, crafts, music, singing, piano playing, swimming and cinematography are all good luck during this time. Extra good luck for that matter. Any desires for spiritual or creative endeavors with a loved one or children are a good time to do during this Jupiter time frame. Pisces rules the beaches, Hawaii, Middle East, Guam and most places like Florida and areas that surrounds it with water, except Japan. That is an Aquarian energy.

December: the lucky planet is sitting right in your FOURTH House/Pisces of home, family (immediate family members), foundation, upbringing and mother. If you are planning for the new room addition or adding something new to the house, this is a lucky time to do so. Having that wonderful family reunion with immediate family members at your house is an awesome time to do so with the blessings of Jupiter. In literal terms, a new addition to the family by marriage or someone having a baby is also a blessed time. Even a selling/buying of a home can be lucky during this time with the lucky planet sitting in the fourth house. If pondering a new business out of the home, this is another good opportunity especially if it involves something spiritual, artistic, creative and or musical oriented. Even piano playing is a Piscean energy.

Rhonda Schienle, October 1, 2009

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Jupiter in Pisces: Jan. 18, 2010 - Jan. 21, 2011

Written: October 23, 2009

Jupiter energy and meanings
: luck, expansion, growth, opportunities

Cautionary Dates: It is important to note that Jupiter will go into Aries on June 6th, 2010 for a brief stay until it begins retrograde on July 23rd, 2010. It retrogrades back into Pisces on September 9th, Direct on November 18th. Re-enters Aries on January 22nd, 2011.

See what the lucky planet has in store for you by looking up your birth month below.

January: Those born in January, this affects your THIRD HOUSE/Pisces of critical thinking, siblings, communications, verbal expressions and thoughts. It also rules and affects short trip travels. Pisces does rule many things and aspects. One of those aspects is a creative, crafty and artistic expression. Think it and create it, with the help of the lucky planet Jupiter. Remember that thoughts are things. Also Jupiter helps with any spiritual or religious journeys (including endeavors) you may be exploring. A short trip to learn of a spiritual concept or reading on spiritual enlightenment would provide spiritual growth. An opportunity to write poetry is also given during this time frame. Watch the cautionary dates above, when it goes into Aries, from June 6th, 2010 to July 22nd, 2010, brings luck to the home area.

February: Those born in February, this affects SECOND HOUSE/Pisces of money, personal possessions and self-esteem. This says it all for you. Luck with money into your personal bank account. Then in turn, it is luck with going out and buying all that wonderful new furniture, cars or whatever it is you have been wanting. Having the lucky planet in your second or eighth house is a good thing. Just watch the retrograde dates above on the cautionary times, so you are not buying in an Aries time frame. Retrograde times for Mercury or Jupiter in this case, are not the time to buy or purchase.

March: Those born in March, the lucky planet is sitting right in your FIRST HOUSE/Pisces. This house represents your inborn talents, traits and gifts. Also your soul’s purpose and outward appearance rules in the first house. If Jupiter is the lucky planet and it represents growth, opportunity and expansion, can you see what this means for you? The lucky planet will bless opportunities with all your inborn gifts and talents. Is that arts and crafts? Is it spiritual endeavors? Learning piano or how to sing? Or is it aquatics and swimming endeavors of some kind? All of these that are mentioned are good during this time. Pisces in Divine Astrology rules the entire month of March regardless of day. Even if you are born March 20th - 31st. This affects you the same way.

April: Those born in April, the lucky planet is sitting right in your TWELTH HOUSE/Pisces. This house represents your secrets, subconscious, unknown enemies. This can also be another way of saying things that are hidden in the subconscious can very well surface to be viewed. It can come in the forms of dreams or circumstance. It is very symbolic those dreams you have. Learning the symbolism would be a real good thing to do at this time. That includes starting a dream diary. Your dreams, (day or nighttime dreams) could provide ideas and even solutions to current circumstances in your life. What is key while doing your dream journal is to look for themes, patterns and even cycles. This includes learning the meaning of synchronicity and applying it daily to your life. Daytime dreams are equally important and recommended to be observed. Sweet dreams to those born in April.

May: Those born in May, the lucky planet is sitting right in your ELEVENTH HOUSE/Pisces. This rules wishes, friends, and original experiences. This also includes original experiences within groups. A great time to get involved with a new or favorite groups, especially if it includes a spiritual, artistic or crafty endeavor. The general rule for you is to look for those friends born in March. They assist you with the sentimental and sensitive side of things in life. Wish and hope big is what Jupiter in Pisces offers you. Pisces rules Hawaii, ever dream or hope for a trip to Hawaii, this is a good time to do it. Joining a winery club is another way to express Jupiter in Pisces for your eleventh house. So clubs, groups or other gatherings are encouraged during this time. Go ahead, try something new those born in May.

June: Those born in June, the lucky planet is sitting in TENTH HOUSE/Pisces of career, honors, public standing, achievement and accomplishments. I think this says it all having a lucky planet in the house of career. If Jupiter rules growth, expansion and opportunity, then go for that job expansion idea. If you were looking for recognition for what you do in your work place or even your passions outside of work, this is the time to shine. Any accomplishment you are seeking regarding publishing, writing or blogging, etc., this is a wonderful time to do that. Rewards do come to those who act on their dreams. Your TENTH house wants you to dream it and achieve it. Remember to start any and all endeavors between a new and full moon. Do not start anything during a Mercury in retrograde (see the Laws link).

July: Those born in July, the lucky planet is sitting right in your NINTH House/Pisces of higher learning, teaching, publishing, long distance traveling and philosophies/theologies. Are you inspired or have a desire to write or publish? This is the lucky time to do that. It does not matter if it is a hobby, career, a wish, charity or whatever the reason for writing and publishing, this is a lucky time to do it. Jupiter already governs this 9th house, so you are getting a double dose of its lucky touch. It is a fabulous time to take that big trip to a foreign country and learn about their cultures. Photography, publishing and traveling is offered to those born in July during this time. Who knows, maybe one of your photos or writings will make it into the local newspaper. Jupiter/Sagittarius rules the newspaper industry.

August: For those born in the month of August, this lucky planet is touching your EIGHTH House/Pisces of legacy, corporate monies, debts, investments, joint monies, inheritances, mortgages and so much more. For those born in August your 8th house is Pisces. So any new endeavors for legacy work involving churches, hospitals, spiritual and artistic endeavors are highly encouraged. The lucky planet will do just that, bring you luck in any of these areas. Any endeavors toward your legacy, making money or as investment into one of these categories is very lucky indeed. Pisces is likened to a story time teller, so if you have that gift, perhaps it’s a time to write a book of stories. Or read a good story for that matter. Again if it relates to any of the categories described, it will be beneficial to you. Many people are drawn to you because they want to feel that spotlight and warmth of the Sun with you. They see your charm, glow, charisma and beauty that the Sun naturally offers to those born in August. Many of our wonderful actors and actresses are born in August, that is why they are in the “spotlight”. It comes very natural for most of them.

September: The lucky planet is sitting right in your SEVENTH House/Pisces of marriage, contracts, negotiations, business partners and how you face the world. This is where your Pisces sits. Pisces rules churches, spiritual and or artistic endeavors, creativeness and craftiness. It also rules Christianaity. So anything related to these areas are receiving luck. If you are considering signing or creating a new contract with some business associates, this is the lucky time to do it. New agreements of any kind regardless of what it is for. i.e. marriage, relationships, business partners or hobbies can be lucky. It is also a lucky time for marriage, especially if your partner is born in the month of earth and or water signs (January, May and September are Earth; March, November and July are Water). Any endeavors or adventures with either a love partner or business partner are lucky to those born in September. Pisces rules Hawaii, Guam, Florida, Middle East, and most places with lots of water surrounding them. Not Japan, that is Aquarian territory.

October: the lucky planet is sitting in your SIXTH House/Pisces of service to the world, co-workers, health and working environment. This is a great time and opportunity to show your volunteerism. The lucky planet will allow you to shine and gain recognition in sharing your time to local charities, VA, hospitals, or other organizations that need your support. Whether you use your time, your place of business or monetary donations, the lucky planet will reward you. This is the good kind of Karma. In addition, if you are planning on starting a new service, the lucky planet is on your side. Pisces rules many industries and just a few are hospitals, churches, spiritual centers, cinematography, psychics, artistic endeavors, music and so much more. Those born in March will be ones to assist you in many of your spiritual or artistic endeavors.

November: the lucky planet is sitting right in your FIFTH House/Pisces of love, romance, children, private entertainment and speculations. Any plans of a road trip or traveling to foreign places that involve your kids and love partner, the lucky planet is there to assist you with that adventure. Private entertainment that has anything to do with arts, crafts, music, singing, piano playing, swimming and cinematography are all good luck during this time. Extra good luck for that matter. Any desires for spiritual or creative endeavors with a loved one or children are a good time to do during this Jupiter time frame. Pisces rules the beaches, Hawaii, Middle East, Guam and most places like Florida and areas that surrounds it with water, except Japan. That is an Aquarian energy.

December: the lucky planet is sitting right in your FOURTH House/Pisces of home, family (immediate family members), foundation, upbringing and mother. If you are planning for the new room addition or adding something new to the house, this is a lucky time to do so. Having that wonderful family reunion with immediate family members at your house is an awesome time to do so with the blessings of Jupiter. In literal terms, a new addition to the family by marriage or someone having a baby is also a blessed time. Even a selling/buying of a home can be lucky during this time with the lucky planet sitting in the fourth house. If pondering a new business out of the home, this is another good opportunity especially if it involves something spiritual, artistic, creative and or musical oriented. Even piano playing is a Piscean energy.

Rhonda Schienle, October 1, 2009