Jupiter in Taurus
Commences: June 4th, 2011 to June 10th, 2012
Written: June 8th, 2012
Jupiter keywords: luck, growth, expansion and opportunity
Look For Your Birth Month
*These are a general rule unless they have an affliction or negative aspect in their individual natal chart.
Born April SECOND HOUSE: Of money, personal possessions and Self-esteem. This says it all for you.
Luck with money into your personal bank account and material possessions. Remember that material things can be anything from furniture; cars, clothes, computers, appliances and you name it.
Some days, money can show up as refunds that you forgot about, a lottery ticket or scratch off. You never know the ways or methods money comes to you.
Perhaps the neighbor is moving and gives you furniture they don’t want. It happens.
Friends, family or whoever happens to be there for you right when you might need it.
Just watch the retrograde times on an astrological calendar so you are not buying at the wrong time.
Retrograde times for Mercury or Jupiter in this case are not the time to buy, sell, move or purchase.
Born May FIRST HOUSE: This house represents your inborn talents, traits and gifts. This includes soul’s purpose and outward appearance.
If Jupiter is the lucky planet and it represents growth, opportunity and expansion, can you see what this means for you?
The lucky planet will bless you with opportunities with all your inborn gifts and talents.
Anything to do with real estate, material possessions, furniture, cars, money and banking are yours to work with, utilize and enjoy. Those born in May like nice things and so it is.
Look for June 11th, 2012, as the lucky planet will be moving into your second house. That is another one to watch for.
Born June Twelfth House: This house represents your secrets, subconscious and unknown enemies.
This can also be another way of saying things that are hidden in the subconscious can very well bubble up to the surface to be viewed. It can come in the forms of dreams, events or circumstances. Those dreams you have are very symbolic. Learning the symbolism would be a very good thing to do at this time. That includes starting a dream diary. Your dreams, (day or nighttime dreams) could provide ideas and even solutions to current circumstances in your life.
What is key while doing your dream journal is to look for themes, patterns cycles or rhythms of your life.
This includes learning the meaning of Synchronicity and applying it daily to your life. You might experience things in a new way by utilizing these ideas.
Those born in June have tendencies to write, publish, speak, and lecture or anything to do with communications. Sign language is utilizing the hands.
Those who like to knit, quilt or any other type of work with the hands can be therapeutic even. That is how they burn that Gemini energy.
Those born in June have the gift of healing with their hands. Anything to do with holistic and healing arts is given to you as well.
Look to places you have dreamed of to visit or travel to. It’s a time to “explore” your inner and outer worlds.
Those born in June, get ready, because the lucky planet will be sitting right on top of you on June 11th, 2012.
Born July Eleventh House: is the house of wishes, hopes, dreams, friends, and original experiences.
Those born in July can do very well with those born in May. That is a general rule (unless there is an affliction in either parties natal charts).
There is luck with friends by checking out some new and interesting ventures with them. This is especially true to do with those born in May.
Those born in May and July tend to love real estate and even real estate work.
So, starting a business with someone born in May to do real estate work, start your own coffee and bakery shop, health food chain and the list is endless there are lucky possibilities.
Those born in May also like Day Spas, Massages and the like. So they may want you who are born in July to help them with that or frequent their facilities.
Friends can be your family as well as your family is your family. Born in July are mom & Pop stores, apple pie, baseball and BBQ’s.
Luck with traveling, publishing and writing is offered here especially from, for and with friends.
May (Taurus) rules areas such as Switzerland while the lucky planet of Jupiter rules the outdoors, Australia, Spain, Portugal and Las Vegas. (Most desert type areas).
Born August Tenth House: is the house of career, achievements, accolades, honors and accomplishments.
With the lucky planet sitting in the house of career and accomplishments comes around every 12 years or so.
This can offer traveling abroad, publishing and even name recognition.
Those born in August are typically either known in their community, by state or nationally by work they do.
Most August born people are well-known actors and actresses.
The world is your stage and it is time to shine.
Born September Ninth House: is the house of higher learning and mental exploration.
Because Jupiter governs this sign, it is considered a double dose.
Meaning opportunities for new knowledge or higher knowledge to be obtained. This can be done by traveling, reading, studying, new trade or all the above. It also offers you opportunities to finally publish or write on the topics you would like to write about. Blogging, a book, magazines or other methods of publishing can do this. Now this planet combination in your ninth house can also over some type of learning in finance, money work, real estate, accounting, investments and those types of things. It does not necessarily mean for work, but knowledge based. If you want it as a career, then more power to you.
Born October Eighth House: is the house of legacy, corporate monies, investments, insurances and inheritances.
So the lucky planet is in the house of your corporate monies. This is where paychecks come from or forms of investment type monies. There is money in your home. Some way some how there is money coming your way through various means. It could be work, lottery, inheritances, and bonus at work or some other method. Perhaps your retirement accounts are finally going green versus red. These are all the ways the lucky planet can affect this area of your life.
Born November Seventh House: is the house of marriage, facing the world, agreements and contracts.
There is some luck here if you are looking to sign some contracts or agreements.
For those who are thinking of getting married-this could be the lucky time to do it.
For you those who are born in May are beneficial to business relationships as well as a marriage partner.
In the world of astrology even though you are born in November, you face the world as a Taurus. So you might attract these type of energies into your life.
Born December Sixth House: is the house of health, co-workers, volunteer work and service to the world.
Since Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion there are some that may have a little weight gain at this time.
On the other hand, most of those born in December like the outdoors and can do some volunteer work at their local parks and recreation, little leagues or anything to do with animals and holistic endeavors.
Those born in May might be ones who can or will help you in the areas of work or with a form of service to the world.
Since this house is health oriented, take up gardening your own vegetables or a new walking routine.
Born January Fifth House: is your house of love, romance, speculations and private entertainment.
Those born in January may want to run off to Vegas for a weekend with this lucky planet sitting in this house.
Gambling, casinos or the outdoor world can be fun and entertaining.
Those born in January may want to shop for antiques while others want to be on the golf course and enjoying the outdoors.
Luck in romance or wanting to go places with your love partner is a good time to do this.
Since the house of Taurus here likes nice things, you may want to spruce up the home or take the love of your life to nice restaurants.
If you have thought about heading to a fun Bed & Breakfast in another state or even country, great time to do it.
Born February Fourth House: is your house of home, family and foundation.
Those born in February tend to like their homes nice and perhaps even like castles if they could. A house on a hill or mountain-top.
Since those born in February like new age things such as computers, digital cameras, wii games and the like and might find yourself with more of these toys this year.
In your home area you are a Taurus. Taurus likes nice music, wine and good foods.
If you are thinking of expanding in your home literally or figuratively this is a good time to do it.
Born March Third House: is the house of critical thinking, expression, communications and siblings.
So in this house you can travel in your mind or you can travel literally.
Time to have some luck in communicating with siblings. Expressing that in which you want to express can be done in various ways and methods.
Now-a-days people are on skype, texting, facebook and all kinds of ways to talk.
It is time to express and communicate some of your big ideas. Those born in March tend to think of things that are artistic in nature or things that are of an artistic endeavor.
If your thoughts are of money, finances that is because your third house is of Taurus. Taurus tends to rule your banking, money and material things. Whether it is for today, a rainy day or retirement.
~Enjoy the lucky planet in good karma~
Sister Sage!